Wordle of Top Lyrics of 2012

Preview of Wordle for 2013
No one can deny a good beat or a catchy lyric. And even out of mainstream music society has popularized, recognized and set to replay some songs that became classics. But the definition of mainstream is a prevailing current or direction of activity or influence, and honestly I'm not thrilled with the direction mainstream music is going. We have one or two hits every year that we listen to for a set period of time, but I don't feel like we've created a legacy. I want the next Beatles, the new Aretha Franklin and someone who can challenge the Police. I also want a song other than Stairway to Heaven that we can play at the end of a dance, something that my generation, or someone close, created. Love songs become more cheesy, rock and roll becomes more about sex and less about struggle, and frankly I think the world is running out of ideas. I want to hear a new mainstream, something that will never die. So as much as I want someone to call me maybe, or however much I want to hear the applause, it wont last. I'm just wondering if I will ever appreciate the "next big thing."
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