Thursday, November 21, 2013

Something You Are Proud Of

She is taller than me, stronger than me, more flexible than me. 
She is smart and funny and warm at heart.
There is nothing you can say that brings her down, 
because nothing you do will tarnish her opinion of herself 
or the way she thinks of her self image, and if you try 
there is an army of love an support that surrounds her. 
She is soft and warm and does thoughtful things for 
unsuspecting people that do not deserve such kindness. 
And yes, she is stubborn, but I taught her that, 
and more and more I see that stubbornness 
turning into determination, and those things she fears 
turn from trepidation into maturation 
as she challenges the world to a litigation. 
She will argue life until she is blue in the face, 
but eventually life will give up and she will raise her head high and smile, 
because she knows what if feels like to win, 
because she was coached on how to lose gracefully, eventually. 
I taught her many things, but never in a million years 
do I think I do a good job, nor can I claim credit 
for the qualities I admire in her, displayed or kept hidden. 
She is gentle and supportive and she smells familiar, 
like something I can't place but I know I've liked before. 
"Home is wherever I'm with you"
and there is nothing I like more than her and I together,
content with the fact we have nothing to hide
but the fact we enjoy each other's company more than we care to say. 

Word of the Day: Snarky

she walks with steps as if she wished to shake the ground; her voice was bossy, and lacked any sentiment of care or feeling, as if she were a robot with a southern twang. There was nothing she had done to personally offend me, and yet there is no feeling like an instinct where you know this person could not sympathize or empathize or compromise with you; essentially, you have nothing in common and opposites will never attract in this case; so give up. She wears purple like it will keep her alive and heels like their's a height requirement in the field she's in; god I hope not because in that case I've failed already. She gives you a reason to believe she hides a snarky personality behind professional walls, leaving it exposed when you don't have the answer she's looking for. Don't subject yourself to vulnerability, stand up to her and fight for what you've done. Admitting your mistakes is just one step in the direction of being a better person; at least you can say you're trying when the day is done, and you've taught yourself a lesson.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Because This Is Who I Am

I am late night book reads
i am a few tracks from an 80’s album
mixed with the smell of a bonfire
i am old news and good news whisked with
the excitement of a planned tomorrow that could
make for a memorable yesterday.
i am cooked meals at dinner tables and
none too many a home sewn together with
the lines drawn between friends on a map
of the world.
i am a child and a desperate lover combined
with the need to care and the cry to be cared for
i am a wishing well of secrets that pools into
advice when the time is right
i am a safe that guards all but can be opened
by many, and only when secrets conflict do i feel
the need to change the combination
I am a bookshelf filled with old favorites,
unread adventures and pages that have yet
to be filled, or are halfway there and desperate
for more
I am the pictures in my head, striving for a
perfect reality no one has heard me talk about
because I’m too afraid to say it will never come true
I am the observer in the world hoping tomorrow
someone will love me, will pick up my puzzled pieces
lay me down and put me back together again,
so I know what it feels like to be wholly loved
I am next day turkey and dark hot chocolate
the first rain of spring that brings me out of my 
deep frost and leads me to new hope
I am the summer that fills you with the feeling
that life will go on in bliss and the world you live in
will only hurt you so long as you let it. 
I am the letter you never expected to receive and 
the guest you'd love to see show up on your 
front porch, because who doesn't love 
surprises that make your eyes shine so much
you get bubbles in your stomach and feelings that
could warm the cruelest of nights
I am that feeling you get in the morning when you roll
over in bed and know you have a few more hours 
to sleep the static away, the crazy pictures in your head
that will clear for a vision of a better tomorrow
I am a Friday, a Saturday, and a Sunday brunch
I want you to hear me like you hear the waves whisper
to the dock or the rain sooths the roof at night
Breath me in like the first day of autumn where you 
see the leaves rotating through colors
breath me like coming up for air when you thought
the rapids would hold you under forever
See me like I see myself when I have those days
were I look in the mirror and think Damn, today is a
good day to be me, because today i am wonderful
Know me because I want you to know me, want to
be an open book with the best type of secrets
knowing not that there will be an ending, just
a series of new beginnings brought to life
Because this is who I am, and you should never
be denied the realization that I am forever

Thursday, November 14, 2013


I imagine myself spinning
turning faster and faster
trying to keep up with the world around me
so fast, it might seem as if time has stopped
because that's all I want
I want time to stand still because I've spun so fast
I've achieved some kind of equilibrium,
that was never thought possible
But we are never still
in reality we are going so fast we don't even notice
and so I imagine myself standing still
dizzy and swaying from the weight of all that
pressure in trying to stop the world
and when my eyes come back into focus
all I want to see is you
because I tried to stop time for you

But I can’t
I can’t see you or hear you or breath you in
because that time I had tried to hold onto
spun out of control
and before I knew what had happened all
that time was gone
and I was left trying to hold onto something
I never could control
and that is time and that is you because
you are one and the same and now
and I am out of time
I still couldn't keep it for you