Thursday, September 26, 2013

My Family

This was my first attempt at writing about my family...I realized I had too many people who qualified...

Because I'm in the library, and can't put headphones in without seeming rude and unprofessional, I'm switching it up and doing my family first. I have 5 hours, I hope that's enough time.

Because this is the internet, I am going to use code names for my family, aside from the regular Mum, Dad and Puni. They can all keep their names, as unless you know me and my family, you will have no idea who they are.

There are so many ways I could describe my family. There are the businessman, the isolated, the crazies, the sensitives, and the ones that I can't put into a category because I know and love them too much.

I will try and explain my family by the memories I have of them; in this way, you will think of them more as a part of my life and not by some name that could mean nothing.

So this is my second attempt...
Dear Family, 
Mom and Dad bug the crap out of me. They are annoying and pestering and they have too much wisdom. They are too smart, too good of parents to me and Puni. I don't know if I can handle it. I will say I wish they let me make my own mistakes more often. Not the life threatening ones, like go skydiving without a licensed professional, or go into the job market without a degree (the one I'm working incredibly hard for at the most Disneyland of colleges, which I love {thank you for paying for}), but I need to go into the world knowing what I can and cannot do for myself. I am a trial and error kind of gal, and I don't think you let me make my own mistakes enough. I need to try, and fail, before I can really succeed. 
Aunt Jane is amazing. I want to be a teacher who changes the world, and she qualifies as just such a one. I want to be book loving and creative and have floor to ceiling windows like you. I think your house is too messy, but I get that that comes with the territory and I love your apple pie. I wish I knew Uncle Burt better, because when I was little his beard scared me and I only started to like and know him a bit back. I do wish we had more in common, but I haven't discovered much, other than poetry, yet. 
And I didn't like that either...
Dear Family, 
Thank you for loving me. Thank you for raising me, and caring for me, and trying to teach me the ways of the world in very different fashions. Thank you to Aunt Jane and Uncle Burt, who taught me a messy house promotes ideas, that floor to ceiling windows are amazing, that books can take you so many places and that whatever happens they will always be there. Thank you for giving me cousins that will swing me around and boost me up on their shoulders, like Neil, Isaac and Joel.Thank you to Aunt Bay and Uncle Smith, who taught me that even when they don't see me they love me and are thinking of me, that second chances are worth everything, family reunions are a must and that through the toughest of times life is still worth a dip in the pool. 
Thank you to Aunt Ria and Uncle K for exposing me to good food and family ties and those parties that you never want to end. Thank you for giving me cousins who I can relate to and cousins who tease me to pieces. Thank you Aunt Ria for bailing me out of trouble and being my sounding board, backbone, iTunes Library and my own personal Wikipedia. Thank you Uncle K for being Dad's best friend and so many laughs; thank you for being "kool." To Uncle Bob and Aunt Lu, thank you for introducing me to crab dip and zumba; I am glad to know we still can have fun every once in a while. 
Thank you to Mia, who I love and admire, and who has a great sense of style. Thank you James for providing excitement in my life and cooking me great food. Thanks Mindy and Ellen for Thanksgivings and Christmas Break in NH. 
To Danielle, I want you to know that I love you and am always there for you, and that you, like me, have a family that supports you. 
To Wiz and Pop, I know we don't see eye to eye but your emails cheer me up, always. I love being kissed on the head, dome-smacker, and pearls are truly my favorite stone, for June. Don't give up on me, or Christmas, or the 4th of July, because it would be so different without you. 
To Mom and Dad, you bug the crap outta me. You are too smart, too pestering and too wise for your own good. Sometimes it's just overwhelming. Mom I can't deal with so many questions at a time. Dad, I'm glad you let me make my own mistakes, because sooner or later I will never make them again. 
Puni...Puni, Puni, Puni. You are a torture and a menace but I am proud to say you are on the honor roll and you drive better than Mom and Dad combined.  You're loud and annoying and I could never live a day without knowing you're taking care of yourself...and the dogs. 
To the other members of my close family, some adopted; Auntie, Auntie Rose, Eden, Sue, you are all still part of my life, and you know it. Thanks, once and for all, and know that I will always blame you for bringing out the crazies in me. Cheers,

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