Thursday, November 21, 2013

Word of the Day: Snarky

she walks with steps as if she wished to shake the ground; her voice was bossy, and lacked any sentiment of care or feeling, as if she were a robot with a southern twang. There was nothing she had done to personally offend me, and yet there is no feeling like an instinct where you know this person could not sympathize or empathize or compromise with you; essentially, you have nothing in common and opposites will never attract in this case; so give up. She wears purple like it will keep her alive and heels like their's a height requirement in the field she's in; god I hope not because in that case I've failed already. She gives you a reason to believe she hides a snarky personality behind professional walls, leaving it exposed when you don't have the answer she's looking for. Don't subject yourself to vulnerability, stand up to her and fight for what you've done. Admitting your mistakes is just one step in the direction of being a better person; at least you can say you're trying when the day is done, and you've taught yourself a lesson.

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