Thursday, November 21, 2013

Something You Are Proud Of

She is taller than me, stronger than me, more flexible than me. 
She is smart and funny and warm at heart.
There is nothing you can say that brings her down, 
because nothing you do will tarnish her opinion of herself 
or the way she thinks of her self image, and if you try 
there is an army of love an support that surrounds her. 
She is soft and warm and does thoughtful things for 
unsuspecting people that do not deserve such kindness. 
And yes, she is stubborn, but I taught her that, 
and more and more I see that stubbornness 
turning into determination, and those things she fears 
turn from trepidation into maturation 
as she challenges the world to a litigation. 
She will argue life until she is blue in the face, 
but eventually life will give up and she will raise her head high and smile, 
because she knows what if feels like to win, 
because she was coached on how to lose gracefully, eventually. 
I taught her many things, but never in a million years 
do I think I do a good job, nor can I claim credit 
for the qualities I admire in her, displayed or kept hidden. 
She is gentle and supportive and she smells familiar, 
like something I can't place but I know I've liked before. 
"Home is wherever I'm with you"
and there is nothing I like more than her and I together,
content with the fact we have nothing to hide
but the fact we enjoy each other's company more than we care to say. 

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